Monday, June 8, 2009

Why Pray

Praying is the way we communicate with the Creator God. When we pray we are transported from the physical realm into a world that is invisible and eternal. Prayer is where relief, hope, belief and miracles live. Prayer will lift us from the depths of despair into the glorious presence of a God who hears cares and answers.
The Bible is the resource book on prayer. Many passages exhort us to pray. In Phil. 4:6-7 Paul tells us not to worry about anything but to pray and ask God for what we need. God explains that when we do this His peace will fill our hearts and minds. This idea of releasing worry to God and receiving the peace of God is beyond our human comprehension. It is a spiritual happening. It is a God thing! Prayer equips us with the weapons we need for survival during the hard times in life.

It is amazing to note that the instructions to pray come from one who was in the midst of torturous and dangerous days. The Apostle Paul was facing death in Prison and yet he did not give in to despair but looked to God in prayer. As we read this account we catch a glimpse of Paul’s unshakable valor. His circumstances would make the bravest champion loose heart. Yet Paul, in this very circumstance, encourages believers to go to God because "He will fill your hearts and mind with peace."

God exhorts us to rejoice, be gentle and pray. His presence is closer to you than any other. He knows you through and through and yet he loves you and stands by you and will never abandon you.

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