Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Power Words

Words contain immense influence and have the power to bestow blessings or condemnation. Our mind is the central processor of words. We can choose to fill our minds with words of healing and life or misery and death.

Studies have shown the physical connection between our mind and body. The studies have shown that all the cells of your body are affected by your thoughts. Many people who have struggled with negative, self degrading feelings have changed their lives by changing their thoughts. The book of Proverbs tells us that as a man thinks in his heart – so is he.

It has been said that almost 90% of all sickness is the result of negative thinking. When our minds are filled with fear, worry and stress our body reacts with a multitude of symptoms. When we fill our minds with words that are pure, true, commendable, honorable and wholesome it breathes life into our very being. It also changes the way we view others and think about ourselves.

The Bible is the source book for Christian Themed Texts and in it we find words of life and healing. In Exodus God says “I am the Lord that heals you.”

The Bible will teach you the true meaning of love. Most people have ambiguous ideas about the definition of love. What is love and how can I find love? The secret to finding love is to stop looking for it outside of yourself. Cultivate the attributes of love within and your heart and you will have eyes of discernment to see the same attributes in others and attract a person with the ability to love you back.

God tells us in I Corinthians exactly what love looks like. Some of the verbs he uses are Love is patient, it is kind, love is not selfish, it does not seek to exalt itself, it does not hold grudges, love always protects and never gives up, love never ever fails.

If we want to change our lives we must confront the way we think. Identify all thoughts that are negative, self condemning, judgemental and non productive and then begin to replace those thoughts with words of life which are found in the Bible which is given to us by the author of life, God Himself.

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